Primeval. Imminent. Eschaton.


But can we not ask ourselves whether there do not exist, in the real universe, things which are non-algorithmizable, non-reducible, non-unifiable .... From that moment on, does the problem become, not to eject and repress uncertainty, randomness, disorder, antagonism outside its royal domain, but to seek dialogue with them?Edgar Morin, "Beyond Determinism"



It is a law. It is a system of rule. A DOGMA yet anti-phenomena. And it is not a law that can be subject to change. It'd be unlawful in itself, for the law it is — is an absolution. Even the entity itself cannot change Its nature. Nor can I as the writer who serves more as an interpreter to what It is. It is describing ways of being, how it works and how it interacts with all other else. It is ontological. Unlike juridical or religious laws, it cannot and will not be changed because of someone’s opinions, convictions, or interests. It took immense studying to get here. It cannot be shaped or manipulated in any other form otherwise it would not be what it is. This kind of law is how something is, and what is being described as subject to the simple description because that is how it is rather than how someone, with my inclusion, wants it to be.Permutations inexhaustible.



In a time before time itself, before the very motion of any quark or cosmic substance ever, It is the cold hard self-verifying truth of the one ultimate arbiter, the only judge, the power that is its own metric and its own source and its own existence. Immutable law governing intrinsically, capriciously, viciously everything that exists and will exist... That can exist and cannot. In essence, it is the indifferent existence of existence itself without the need for human verification.Minds of * almost * all ages have grappled, fought amongst one another with the idea of the great darkness,, The Void,, anti-cosmos, both as a cosmic phenomenon or even anti-phenomenon, or as a manifestation of a dreadful inner emptiness. The, “ The Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is.” That one dread that always follows. That hollowing and consuming feeling of a metaphysical emptiness that lurks in the background of every observation of the natural world and threatens to suppress all light and delight in the superficial spectacle.This —, No, THE quality of such thing of axiomic being, and its mysterious, inexplicable quality makes it a subject particularly amenable to myth, as does its range of metaphorical and symbolic meanings, that including the idea of nothingness that is central to Taoism. The Tao Te Ching's philosophy refers to the Tao as “Something formless, complete in itself, There before Heaven and Earth.”Oblivion Axiom : Thing of empirical domains — in order to establish ITS ' reference to various realities by axiomic being.



In order to find out which it meaningfully can be quantified to a precision close to pinpoint accuracy, a reference to the boundless dark as simply, ' The Boundless Dark' is not sufficient. This entity is said in a single and same sense from all its empirical dominions ; Oblivion, The Darkness, The Void, Death, The Unknown, The Abyss, Raw Nature, Extinction, Evolution, Life itself, And of all its individuating differences or intrinsic modalities, Being is the same for all these modalities, but these modalities are not too-same and their differences fall into an existential hierarchy of the axiom itself, akin to being layered and yet not.Searching in various domains, even that of simply dimensioned understandings, may they be the laws of nature or still, the unknowable. It is just in such empirical domains that it is possible to discover the real entity' laws and translations, and understandings. These things did not turn out to be not something "given" but rather something "to come out" of the very process of existential inquiry. Earned.With such strong position,
They — ( IT ) exists, Because It has to. Without It, There's no answer available to say what that nonexistence would be like aside from the absolute absence of everything, the dominion oblivion without word and definition. Of course it'd still be there. But it'd be alone. There is no antecedent and no constituents, ' Manifestation ' itself never occurred, for it always been and there is no instrument of causality by which they could be portioned into and assigned to some schematic of Its origin. And in the search of some thing that became them, What's found is that core foundation of Oblivion. The Nothingness absent of all existential dark and light, black and white and everything in-between, absence of everything, even of absence itself.
Unparalleled, All-Encompassing, It is one alone. And although there is opposition, tides of adversaries, that doesn't immediately declare them an equal. It doesn't care. It is warring without thought. Though, even if it seems superficial, the essence of being an unvocal being is to include individual differences, while these differences do not have the same essence and do not change the essence of being unparalleled.It is amoral. And indifferent.
Boundless but true to itself.
It is executing ruthless laws and constitution on a nature that knows no better than brutality and violence. And yet when it is witnessed, They're no different from the waves in the sky. Or the tide against rock.



It is the force of nature, while being the same nature all as one.
With a directive for an existential continuity adhering to stone laws of Destruction and
Continuation. Eternity. It is Judge and Law. Judge and Jury. And Executioner. It is —
The fundamentals of the universe —
Of all existence, taken without moral correction.
To begin with, there were two ways to be. Either cosmic soup. Or a solidity and structure that would allow the cosmos to take form. And that solidity won, overcame . Then came atoms. And they flourished. We have atoms, Because solid atomic matter is more stable than the primordial broth. The primordial broth would've been a plasma of another non existence. Impossible existence. Life would've not been given the fighting chance. There were two ways to be and It won. With atomic birth, many concepts and philosophies were born but it was undeniable that atoms had overcame a state of chaos. And in its victory, everything that came next-after was made of atoms.It was a chain of action that followed. Atoms made stars. Stars made galaxies. Superclusters. Universes. Everything. This isn't a hyperbole to demonstrate the cosmic scales, this is EVERYTHING that has ever existed, exists, and has yet to exist at play.The worlds simmered down to rock and acids, and in those smoldering primal seas the first living molecules learned to copy itself. Learned to 'live'. To exist. All life came from this, by the one law, the blind law, which existed without mind or meaning. Who simply adapted.By IT.It's the simplest law that only tells you to exist. To suffer it and live.It isn't a deity that blesses the world, Its' benevolence is merely convenience without cause or why. There's no miracles from it, no blessings, lest you count the necessary extinctions that must occur to define life and refine it.That was the ultimate schematic.What It is.Everything in existence followed behind, therefore, The universal law is extinction, extermination, annihilation— By howling and ravenous singularities eating up the stars and even bursting them into creation.Where no star complains about its death.



A chosen face, By fictional means, a perception, Worth telling stories of for that majestic, and beautiful law, A doll. The Queen who reigns so absolutely, none other queen logic could fathom defeating in a game of edged-laws. A s
ilent guardian, Attentive force. Awfully patient. But holds the core ruthless, As she fits her purpose, And Is her purpose.
And It will hunt the in the depths of the night and extinguish the first glint of competition before it can even understand what it faces or why it has transgressed. In the reduction of everything lesser and Inferior to it, and with the feat of absolute erasure, negation and correction of anomalies, it is the shape of victory: To hold dominion so absolutely that nothing will ever exist except by its consent. This is the queen at the end of all time, whose sovereignty is truly inexhastibly eternal because no other sovereign can defeat it. And there is no reason for it, no more than there was reason for the victory of the atom.It is simply the winning play.

To return her violence is to embrace it and its beautiful logic.